2023 my planner journey was a little too chaotic…
One of many reason I excuse myself from writing blog was this planner line up constantly changing mindset that I had, might still have actually.
Since I make everything myself from the planner cover, to planner inserts. I can do however, and whatever
I wanted which allows me to just hop around and come up with new inserts, or changing paper sizes.
I just kept making changes, so all the informations of 2023 are everywhere at this point.
my life is simple and the everyday schedule is pretty much set. that is why its still manageable even
I keep changing my planners every couple months…. though I have to stop and think this behavior is weird.
what am I using now?
well currently I am settled with using one planner and one note. picture below.
smaller one is 2024 monthly and weekly planner notes installed with wallet function.
and yellow one is my A5 stalogy notebook for my everyday writing. I still want to have discbound planner
for my home-organizing(budgeting, cleaning, meal planning) which I will prepare for 2024.
but for now, these two will fulfill my everyday needs.
how was your planner peace for this year? are you hopping around planners or you can just keep using the set of planners you decide?