Maybe the best bag in bag for iPad mini and my planner on the go.
I have been struggling this year to start new planner life 2024. Haven’t been able to decide what planner to go for, especially for the on the go planner. It gets super overwhelmed just by deciding what paper size will suit all my needs.
but also carry everything in one place and plus it should fit on my crossbody bag. Then
I find this smaller bag in bag at Daiso which fit my iPad mini, pens, stamps and planner tools and my iPhone, also my planner which could be bigger like B6 Max.
but it does seem like will solve all my problem, having everything in one place!!
I kinda get excited about this! I hope they sell this to you guys outside japan. It’s just the fabric itself is pretty thin, and it doesn’t stand itself, but I can add something solid inside the bag, so it can stand, or I could remake the bag in bag using this one as sample.
but anyway, it was good buy!