Current reading and notebook I use, and there is some coincidence.
as you can notice, these are my current notebook that I use for everyday writing and books I am reading. somehow this orange-ish yellow color is my theme color for the season. it was a total coincidence. but this yellow gives me some energy that I never really expected.
from the left
●A5 stalogy half year notebook
I was inspired to use this notebook by one japanese youtuber.
before this I was making my own discbound planner and notes. yet, as I wanted to take it everywhere I go, discbound system notebook thickness was sort of bugging me.
so I decided to give it a try to use notebooks this time.
●才能の見つけ方 by 八木仁平 how to find your talent by Jinpei Yagi
I am not sure if this is published in english yet. but it is a great read. I will talk about more of this book and his work in later posts.
●Stay sane in an insane world. by Greg Harden
I was watching Sherri show the other day, and he was promoting this book, so I just wanted to give it a shot to read it.
all of the books and notes are for me to find myself and the purpose of my life.
I need some soul searching at this point of my life.
I couldn’t help but thinking this matching yellow color means something…..I don’t know what it is. ….