A7 4Discbound planner cover with mirror and wallet!
yep. I made this planner cover with A7 paper size with 4 discbound system book with mirror and wallet.
just love the concept of having everything I need when I am on the go. I can even carry it as crossbody bag.
having a mirror for checking my face outside.
wallet can contains cards, coins and cash. and also I have this 4 discbound notebook. Paper size is A7. It is similar the size of micro planner from Happy planner.
I used it as more like a grocery memo or the things I need to write down when I am out.
It was small and compact enough to carry it around, but as I added the mirror, whole figures got pretty thickened…
so I am thinking switching discbound notebooks to just notebooks. that way I can make it even more compact.
I have been struggling to find my best stuffs to carry. you want to make it less as much as possible yet, you still want to carry things you need. hmmm. I guess its just try and error to find out what I really need….journey will go on.